
Sydney > Agra > Delhi > Jaipur > Pushkar > Johdpur > Udaipur > Mumbai > Goa > Delhi > Lisboa via Zurich > Monsaraz > Porto > Lisboa > Sao Paulo > Paraty > Rio Janeiro > Iguazu Falls > Buenos Aires > Cordoba > Tucuman > Salta > Jujuy > San Pedro Atacama & Atacama Desert > Salt Lakes & Uyuni > Potosi > Sucre > Oruro > La Paz > Lake Titicaca > Cuzco > Machu Picchu > Arequipa > Arica > La Serena > Valpariso > Santiago > Sydney

Friday 11 May 2012

Jaipur - shoppers paradise?

If you think Jaipur is a bargains paradise you are wrong but if you accept that your (premium) contributions will help support a business many families rely on the idea of paying more becomes secondary. Many tuk tuk drivers will entice you to go and watch handcraft making and get someone to explain you how it works; unfortunately the 'factory' is tiny (I was expecting full on production) and by this I mean two old men block printing a piece of fabric and a guy doing embroidery. I actually have more fun watching my aunt do her hand crafting and explaining me how she puts it's all together (whislt eating home made cakes and drinking tea). The centre of the pink city though is full of bazars and if you enjoy spending time bargaining you will feel right at home. The nice thing is that many workshops still look genuine and that the people that sell goods are the people who produce them on site.From all the buildings we visited Amber Fort was definitely the most impressive one due to its scale, setting and preservation. I am surprised to see that many monuments are tourist attractions yet they have been 'neglected' in terms of maintenance and refurbishment.The highlight of today though was meeting Aslam, the happiest driver we came across so far in our trip and certainly the most multi-skilled one. He sang the whole way and even did a small demonstration of his acting skills at the end of the journey as he is really keen to be feature in one of Arne's video clips. Funny too were the various comments he did about how good looking Arne really is.... As he said 'Arne looks like a movie star'. I told Arne that given the circumstances he should get a Bollywood role to help pay for the trip!


  1. Finalmente percebi esse teu queixinho. Acho que não vou ter vestido . O Arne tem de pensar a sério em casting para cinema e tu a produtora. :)
    Bons amigos têm encontrado !
    Boa viagem.

  2. Nice pictures!
    I love the fact that Arne is like 1 metre taller than everyone else hahaha at least he can breathe less polluted air! hahaha
