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Monday 9 July 2012

Rio - there is more to life than samba

Whilst walking along copacaba beach one may wonder where are these brazilian women we see on tv? Long hair, small brazilian bikinis, hot pants... If I was a dude I would totally lodge a formal complaint to the tourist department. You can't fool a tourist like this! Instead, you will find guys (as big and hairy as a gorilla and as tanned as rabbit dipped in chocolate) playing soccer beach-volley (or whatever that is called) all day long. If you want to look for chicks you should totally consider a visit to Mundial, the local supermarket. There you will find a wide variety (age and style) trying to take the whole supermarket home (those shopping carts were so full you would think they could feed a whole army for a month!). Writing about food reminds me of the best brazilian meal we had in Brazil, awesome BBQ with rice, potatoes and farofa with egg and banana. Arne loves anything with meat but this was something special... We ordered one serve and we got food for 4 people, nnniiiiiceeeeee! We also managed to visit Niemeyer's office (the pritzker man himself), a kind of weird office set up on the ninth floor of an officially eight story building. But the space has an amazing view to the beach and the ocean. Arne said he saw a photo of naked women on Oscar's desk, I say that porn for man over 100 years should have disclaimers (just in case)... or maybe it works better than a pacemaker to keep his heart ticking.

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